Community Health

Intermountain Community Care Foundation

family laughing and hugging

Helping people live their healthiest life possible

The mission of the Intermountain Community Care Foundation is to support Intermountain’s identified health priorities, improve access to healthcare services, and increase healthy behaviors for low-income, uninsured or medically underrepresented populations in Utah and Southeast Idaho (Cassia County and Minidoka County).

Through identifying and supporting existing programs and services that provide access to these populations, the Foundation is dedicated to helping people live the healthiest lives possible.

What we fund

Our funding aligns with priorities identified during our Community Health Needs Assessment. The CHNA identifies significant community health needs, especially for low-income residents in Utah and Southeast Idaho communities.

Frequently asked questions

Learn more about our grant programs including how to apply.

For every category what we would really like to see are:

  • Innovative projects with measurable results
  • Projects that promote significant and lasting change
  • Projects that are specific, well-defined, and cost-effective
  • Projects that focus on increasing access for low-income, uninsured, or underrepresented populations

To honor the time and energy of the Board in reviewing your application – as well as your time and energy in preparing the grant application – please don't apply unless your program or project fits into one of the categories listed above. If you have any questions as to whether your project qualifies, please contact us and we'll be happy to discuss it with you.

If the program for which you seek funding falls into one of the above categories, you are invited to make application for funding.

To honor the time and energy of the Board in reviewing your application – as well as your time and energy in preparing the grant application – please don't apply unless your program or project fits into one of the categories listed above.

If you have any questions as to whether your project qualifies, please contact and we'll be happy to discuss it with you.

To have your application considered at the Board meeting in May, the window of application period is January 1 to February 1.

To have your application considered at the Board meeting in November, the window of application period is July 1 to August 1.

An Intermountain Community Care Foundation grant application has several required pieces. Each of the following is contained within the electronic platform:

  • Application Form is completed electronically. Please complete all required fields.
  • Audited Financial Statement – This is required, and you will need to upload your audit and are prompted to do so within the platform. The audit needs to be current within two calendar years from the time you apply. Please make sure to upload the entire audit. Tax filings and financial statements that have not been audited will disqualify your application.
  • Letter designating 501C3 status – you will be asked to upload this document
  • Itemized Budget for the Organization – you will be asked to upload an itemized budget for your organization
  • Itemized Budget for the Program – you will be asked to upload a budget for the program you are requesting to be funded.
  • List of Board of Directors – you will be asked to upload a current list of your organization’s board of directors
  • List of Key Staff – you will be asked to upload a current list of your organization’s key staff, especially being mindful of those who are directly responsible for the program that you are requesting be funded.

You will need to create an account in Versaic. Intermountain has partnered with Versaic to streamline the application process.

To create a new account:

  • Visit the giving application portal.
  • Enter your email address and complete a Captcha test. Go to your inbox to find the registration email from*.
  • If you do not receive it immediately, please check your spam folder.
    • Note: The link in the registration email is only active for 24 hours, after which you’ll have to re-complete step 1 to have the system send you a new link.
    • Complete the registration process by clicking the link you received in the registration email. You will then be taken to a page where you can set up your password and enter your details, i.e. first name, last name, etc.

To log back into Versaic:

  • Please bookmark the Intermountain giving application portal.
  • After you’ve created your account, you’ll be able to return to this portal to compose, submit, and manage your proposals and requests online.
  • Please take note of the password you created so that you can easily log back into the system any time to submit a new request, or complete saved drafts. You can also use your browser to save your password.

To reset your password:

Visit the application portal. Click on the Forgot Password link below and the system will send you a password re-set email.

NOTE: Be sure to add to your address book or safe sender list so all future emails get to your inbox (to learn more please go to

ICCF does not fund:

  • Large equipment, construction, and capital costs
  • Political campaigns, political action committees, lobbyists, or organizations with a political agenda
  • Individuals
  • Fraternal organizations, clubs, school organizations, and school athletic funds
  • General operating budget of organizations which receive more than 40 percent of their budget from United Way
  • Religious organizations (unless the request is specifically for a program offered to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis and without regard to the recipient’s religious affiliation and does not require worship as a prerequisite for treatment or care)
  • Debt retirement or operational deficits
  • Trips, tours, or travel expenses
  • Other foundations or endowments that provide loans, scholarships, or donate the money they raise to other agencies
  • Media or advocacy campaigns, research, or surveys
  • Races, runs, walks, school or athletic clubs, school fairs, and golf tournaments
  • Services for which third-party reimbursement or pharmacy assistance programs are available
  • Matching funds for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits doubling programs
  • More than 20 percent of an organization’s annual operating budget

Applying agencies be prepared should the Foundation Board have questions about their application from Intermountain Community Care Foundation Board or staff, if needed.

  • Payment. A grant agreement requiring a signature from the agency receiving funds will be sent following the Board meeting and prior to distribution of payment. Payment of grant funds will be made in full after receipt of the signed grant agreement. Generally, the checks are mailed to the grantee. You may, however, be contacted to arrange for the check to be personally delivered by a member of the Board or staff.
  • Terms. Grants are made only for the purposes stated in the application, and it is understood that these grant funds will be used for such purposes. No substantial variances should be made without prior approval.
  • Evaluation. Grantees must be prepared to track and report program outcomes, as well as specific results that demonstrate measurable human impact. An outcome measures report is due approximately one year following the payment of the grant. Outcome measures report forms will be provided via e-mail to grantees, along with a deadline for the return of the completed form to our offices.
  • Reviews. The Board or staff may monitor and conduct a review of operation under your grant at any time, which may include a personal visit to observe your program.
  • Eligibility. Organizations that receive a grant will not be eligible to apply again for 18 months from being funded. Organizations funded for muti-year grants will not be eligible to apply again until after the final outcomes report has been reviewed by the board. Organizations can only have one active grant at a time.
  • Board Responsibility. The Intermountain Community Care Foundation staff determines if the proposed funding satisfies the grant criteria. Grant requests that meet the criteria are reviewed and evaluated by a committee designated by the Foundation President. Recommendations from this committee are forwarded to the Foundation Board. As soon as the Board decision has been finalized, the applying agency will be notified in writing. The Foundation Board is not required to fund every project that satisfies the criteria, nor is it required to fund the full amount requested. The Board will use its discretion in granting funding requests.
  • Funding Limits. Lack of approval should not be considered a reflection on the merits of a proposal. There is a limited amount of money each year to be distributed, and the Foundation cannot fund all requests.
couple sitting on floor with laptop

Agency Health Priority

To qualify for Agency Health Priority grant funding, your program or service must align with one of the following health priorities:

Mental Well-Being

  • Reduce suicide deaths
  • Reduce frequent mental distress, including anxiety and depression
  • Decrease opioid misuse

Chronic and Avoidable Health Outcomes

  • Prevent High-blood Pressure
  • Prevent Diabetes
  • Increase Immunizations


  • Increase access to comprehensive medical, dental, and/or behavioral health care (on the same page, we could use another FAQ-type feature or some accordion feature)


  • A full and complete financial audit within the last two years from application.
  • Submission must include the full audit, including any findings or letter from the auditing firm
  • A 501c3 designation letter
  • Completed W9
  • Completed Supplier Form (a blank copy will be provided in the application)

Additional information

  • Applicants can request a total grant award between $5,000 and $50,000 for the entire project period.
  • A funding request may not exceed 20 percent of an organization’s annual operating budget, e.g., to be eligible for a $50,000 grant, your organization’s annual operating budget must be at least $250,000.
  • In general, small equipment and materials are eligible at no more than a total $5,000 cost, but large equipment, construction, and capital costs are not eligible. Consideration will be given if computer equipment is necessary and vital to the success of the project.
  • Grantees will be required to submit outcomes reports and will be expected to track and share aggregated data about their projects and participants.
woman with walker

Social Determinants of Health Grants

To qualify for Social Determinants of Health grant funding, your program or service must align with at least one of Intermountain’s social determinants of health priorities, which are:

  • Improve nutrition security
  • Improve stable and quality housing through wraparound and support services

Applicant qualifications

  • A social service agency and a healthcare agency apply in partnership: Social service agency is defined as a government, private or not-for-profit entity that provides a direct service/program that focuses on the needs of low-income, vulnerable populations and include state government agencies, local government agencies, and school districts Healthcare agency is defined as an organization that provides a billable healthcare service and uses evidence-based practices to provide a direct healthcare service
  • OR a social agency applies on its own but demonstrate a collaborative approach with other health service agencies or provide strong health outcomes
  • OR a health agency applies on its own but demonstrate collaborative approach with other social service agencies and provide strong health outcomes


  • A full and complete financial audit within the last two years from application. Submission must include the full audit, including any findings or letter from the auditing firm
  • A 501c3 designation letter or have a comparable government designation
  • Completed W9
  • Completed Supplier Form (a blank copy will be provided in the application)
  • If applying in a dual partnership, BOTH agencies must: Submit the required documentation above. And, show a clear partnership that works together toward measurable goals and outcomes addressing one or more of the listed social determinants of health. You will be asked to clearly describe the planned role and responsibilities of each partner for all stages of the project or program.

Additional information

  • Applications will be accepted for either new or existing programs that clearly address a social determinant of health. New programs can include pilot programs.
  • Applicants can request a total grant award between $10,000 to $100,000 per year for 3 years (up to $300,000 total) for the entire project period. Projects can last between 18 and 36 months and must begin upon receipt of funding. If your organization has an extensive project or program seeking for additional funding or collaboration, please reach out to to discuss.
  • A funding request may not exceed 20 percent of an organization’s annual operating budget, e.g., to be eligible for a $50,000 grant, your organization’s annual operating budget must be at least $250,000.
  • In general, small equipment and materials, such as jump ropes or cooking utensils are eligible, at no more than a total $5,000 cost, but large equipment, construction, and capital costs are not eligible. Consideration will be given if computer equipment is necessary and vital to the success of the project.
  • All grantees will be required to submit outcomes reports and will be expected to track and share aggregated data about their projects and participants.
mother and infant at table

Child and Family Mental Well-Being

To qualify for Child and Family Mental Well-Being funding, your program or service must focus on families with children. Funding priority areas include:

  • Mental Well-being. Including reducing suicide deaths, reducing frequent mental distress, including anxiety and depression, and decreasing opioid misuse.
  • Prevention and early intervention
  • Comprehensive programs that include the entire family
  • Trauma Informed System for young children
  • Community Coalitions


  • A full and complete financial audit within the last two years from application. Submission must include the full audit, including any findings or letter from the auditing firm
  • A 501c3 designation letter or have a comparable government designation
  • Completed W9
  • Completed Supplier Form (a blank copy will be provided in the application)

Additional information

  • Applicants can request a total grant award between $10,000 to $100,000 per year for 3 years (up to $300,000) for the entire project period.  Projects can last between 18 and 36 months and must begin upon receipt of funding.  If your organization has an extensive project or program seeking for additional funding or collaboration, please reach out to to discuss.
  • A funding request may not exceed 20 percent of an organization’s annual operating budget, e.g., to be eligible for a $50,000 grant, your organization’s annual operating budget must be at least $250,000.
  • In general, small equipment and materials are eligible at no more than a total $5,000 cost, but large equipment, construction, and capital costs are not eligible. Consideration will be given if computer equipment is necessary and vital to the success of the project.
  • Grantees will be required to submit outcomes reports and will be expected to track and share aggregated data about their projects and participants.
People sitting side by side along a counter

Education Innovation

Intermountain Health is seeking Education Innovation programs that enhance access to quality education, employment opportunities, and cognitive development in Utah. To qualify for Education Innovation funding, your program or service should align with one of the following funding interests:

  • Mental Health and Well-Being: Investments in mental and behavioral health programs and services, providing supportive environments, resources, and opportunities for emotional development, resilience, and overall well-being.
  • Early Childhood Education: Investment in early childhood education programs that improve access to quality learning experiences for young children, aid with classroom management, help students remain in school, and set the foundation for academic success.
  • Technology and Infrastructure: Initiatives that bridge the digital divide by providing technology resources, internet connectivity, and infrastructure to underserved schools and communities.
  • Community Programs: Support for community-based organizations that focus on providing support and resources to youth facing challenges such as poverty, homelessness, substance misuse, and educational barriers. Programs can offer educational resources, tutoring, mentoring, counseling, after-school programs, and skill-building to help young people overcome these obstacles.
  • Teacher Training and Professional Development: Programs aimed at enriching teacher training, fostering professional development, and providing support for educators operating in underserved areas to enhance the quality of education. This encompasses training initiatives involving emerging technologies like AI.
  • Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS): Support for PBIS frameworks for supporting students' behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health. When implemented with fidelity, PBIS improves social-emotional competence, academic success, and school climate. This includes trauma-informed approaches and motivational interviewing techniques.
  • Special Needs Education: Programs and resources catering to students with special needs, ensuring they have access to quality education and support services. 
  • Higher Education Access and Profession-based Learning Programs: Initiatives focusing on increasing access to higher education and project-based learning experiences for underrepresented groups, such as first-generation college students or underrepresented communities.

To discuss additional information, please reach out to Mary Jarrell at

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mother and child hugging