Saint Joseph Hospital

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This department offers

  • Laboratory and pathology
Young man having his blood taken

Intermountain Health has an extensive network of lab centers and draw stations across the areas we serve. Our lab specialists provide fast, accurate, and reliable test results, so you and your doctor can begin discussing a care plan. Your lab results are integrated across your medical record so your team of providers have access to the most up-to-date information.

From routine blood testing to the most advanced PCR and molecular-based tests, we offer advanced testing at affordable prices including blood analysis, urinalysis, surgical pathology, advanced testing, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to common questions about our Lab services

You can view your recent test results in the patient portal as soon as they are available.

Your provider may also contact you with your results. If you have questions, we recommend you contact your provider.

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Please call the hospital to reschedule to a better appointment time.

Many tests don’t require you to do anything in advance. Others may require you to fast or follow other instructions. Fasting usually means no eating or drinking anything after midnight on the night before the test. Your doctor will let you know if you need to do anything to prepare for your test.

Please be sure to bring a form of ID and your insurance card.

Many tests don’t require you to bring or prepare anything. However, sometimes you may be asked to collect a urine or stool specimen at home to drop off. Your doctor will provide you with a special container and let you know the best way to collect the specimen.

If you are having a blood test, a phlebotomist (a person who draws blood) will use a needle to take a sample of blood. In most cases, blood is drawn from a vein in your arm, so wear clothing that allows access to your forearm. Some of our labs offer special technology to help phlebotomists see your veins, resulting in safer, more accurate blood draws.

You are not alone, many people have a fear of needles. Let us know how you feel, our lab specialists are trained to help reduce pain and discomfort.
Young girl in a hospital bed looking at a medical professional while they hold her head

Our labs are accredited by the College of American Pathologists. Many labs also hold awards and designations, as well as accreditation by The Joint Commission, the nation’s oldest accrediting body in healthcare. This means your care comes first.

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