Primary Children's Hospital - Salt Lake City

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Cardiac Genetics Program

This department offers

  • Cardiac genetics program

The Heart Center Cardiac Genetics Program at Primary Children’s Hospital is a multidisciplinary service provided by Intermountain Healthcare and the University of Utah aimed at bringing evolving genetic knowledge into clinical care.

We specialize in the management of families and patients who have been diagnosed with, or who are at risk to develop, a hereditary cardiovascular condition. Our goal is to integrate patient genetic information into personalized risk, management, and screening guidelines. We are also available to make referrals to other healthcare specialties, when appropriate. Our team is comprised of pediatric cardiologists, a clinical geneticist, and genetic counselors.

An evaluation may include:

  • An in-depth family history
  • Medical history and physical examination by a medical geneticist
  • Recommendations for screening and management for both the patient and at-risk family members based on the genetic risk assessment
  • Identification of available, appropriate genetic testing. Discussion of benefits and limitations of the genetic test to promote client-centered, informed decision-making
  • Post-test counseling, including discussion of the genetic test results and their implications for ongoing medical management
  • Referrals to local, regional, and national support groups and resources

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