Utah Valley Hospital

  • About

Sleep medicine

This department offers

  • Sleep medicine

Entering the realm of sleep medicine can feel like navigating through a maze of restless nights and weary days. We understand the frustrations that come with sleep issues, and we're here to offer empathetic support and expertise. Together, we'll explore solutions tailored to your needs, illuminating the path towards restful nights and revitalized days.

When you choose Intermountain Health for sleep medicine, we'll partner with you to make progress in your journey for deeper, more restful sleep.

What Sets Us Apart

Comprehensive plans for sleep health, analyzing your needs to manage sleep problems and disorders effectively.

Comprehensive team

Our comprehensive sleep medicine team comprises specialists in sleep disorders, neurology, psychology, and respiratory care, dedicated to improving your sleep health


Experience convenient scheduling and accessible locations for sleep medicine consultations and studies, ensuring comprehensive care for better sleep health

Treatment options

We offer a diverse range of treatment options in sleep medicine, personalized to address various sleep disorders and improve overall sleep quality

Our providers ( undefined )

Provider data unavailable

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