

Intermountain houses one of the world’s largest and comprehensive biorepositories in the world, enabling researchers to make discoveries that will lead to personalized, holistic approaches to care.

test tube storage in a biorepository

A best-in-class biobank, since 1970

  • The Biorepository is one of the world’s largest. It holds more than 4.5 million biological samples preserved in formalin and embedded in paraffin wax. These historic samples are 10 years or older and are no longer in use for immediate clinical care.
  • Each sample is also uniquely linked to decades of clinical outcomes data. This connection allows researchers to understand the long-term result of clinical interventions across multiple patient groups.
  • Intermountain conducts and supports research to identify new diagnosis tools and treatments. We facilitate and conduct this research using de-identified genetic and genomic data from historical patient encounters, and de-identified biospecimens that are no longer needed for patient care.
  • The Biorepository team provides deep expertise in research design, bioinformatics, molecular pathology, histology, and laboratory medicine.
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Frequently asked questions

Learn more about the biorepository.

  • The Biorepository enables research discoveries that have the potential to change healthcare as we know it – making precision medicine and individualized patient care a reality for people.
  • These samples represent a historical snapshot of numerous disease areas and outcomes. Solutions to better diagnostics and treatment are waiting to be discovered on the Biorepository shelves.
  • The Intermountain Biorepository enables generations to pay it forward. Our ancestors – through their samples – are helping us take care of our community and contribute to our health today.

All clinical and genetic sequencing data gathered from these samples is de-identified before they are used for research. This means that all of the information that could be used to identify a particular person under HIPAA and other applicable privacy laws is removed.

Learn more about de-identification by reading the Intermountain Notice of Privacy Practices.

If you would rather not participate, Intermountain is committed to honoring that choice. If you wish to opt out, simply call 801-525-7673. Once you have opted out, Intermountain will stop using your biospecimens (or genetic sequencing data derived from them) for future projects.

It's also important that you understand what won't change if you decide to opt out:

  • The Intermountain Biorepository will not discard any of your existing biospecimens.
  • We will continue to bank new biospecimens pertaining to you in the Intermountain Biorepository but they will not be used for research unless you decide to change your mind about permitting biospecimens being used for research.
  • If your biospecimens are already being used in a research project, researchers can continue to use your biospecimens so that the study can be completed properly.
  • If you have separately consented to participate in a specific research study involving the use or disclosure of your biospecimens or data collected from you, opting out through this process will not revoke that separate consent nor end your participation in that research study. You will continue to be enrolled in any such studies unless you decide to stop your participation by informing the investigators on those specific studies.
  • Opting out will not change how Intermountain creates, uses, and shares de-identified information about you, (including genetic sequencing data derived from your biospecimens by the Intermountain Biorepository) for non-research purposes. For example, quality assurance initiatives. You can learn more about how Intermountain uses and discloses information about you in our Notice of Privacy Practices.
  • Intermountain may continue to offer you other opportunities to participate in research, including research involving the collection of new biospecimens for a particular project.

If you change your mind about participating in these important efforts, you can call 801-525-7673 to opt back in.

Culmination Bio


Culmination Bio is an Intermountain Health partner company that collaborates with commercial partners, including leading technology and biopharmaceutical companies, to provide novel clinical insights, therapeutic targets, diagnostic opportunities, and care process models.

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