St. Vincent Regional Hospital
At St. Vincent Regional Hospital, we’re happy to tell you about us: our compassionate caregivers, our clinical excellence, our award-winning care and even our beautiful campus. Our patients and families are the center of every thought, communication and action that takes place in this healing space
Walk-in care near this location
Emergency care
Emergency care services offer immediate medical attention for serious and life-threatening illnesses or injuries.
Meet the new St. Vincent Regional Hospital
Intermountain Health St. Vincent Regional Hospital is excited to share the design plans for the new St. Vincent Regional Hospital. The new hospital will be a 14-floor, 737,000 square-foot facility located on the St. Vincent campus at 27th Street and 12th Ave. North just east of the current hospital building. Construction on the project is expected to begin in Spring 2025 and anticipated to be completed in 2029.
Classes at St. Vincent Regional Hospital
Discover a world of health and wellness classes designed to empower, educate, and inspire. Join us in nurturing your well-being.
Notice to patients about Professional Finance Company security incident
For patients
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How to choose a mental health provider for your child
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How is your child's mental health?
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Exercise and its Impact on the Brain
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Can organizing impact your mental health?
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Better Than Sunscreen: Dress Your Kids in UV Protective Clothing
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Better Heart Health Means More Birthdays... and That's a Good Thing
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Building a Better Model to Provide Effective and Efficient Care in a Busy Emergency Department
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The Benefits of Recovery – It Does Your Body (AND YOUR GAME) Good
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Better health starts with addressing social issues
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Behind the Scenes: Coordinating Patient Transports with Life Flight
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Beating the Cold and Flu Blues: Sick Day Management for People with Diabetes
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Be active: Prevent heart disease
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Back to School Guide in 5 Steps
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Back to School 6 Steps to Start a Healthy Year
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Most Will Experience Back Pain, but What Can be Done
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Baby Your Baby - Preventing Pediatric Constipation
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Baby Your Baby - All About Croup
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Baby Essentials for the Hospital and Beyond
Being prepared with a hospital bag full of essentials long before your baby comes will give you time afterward to do what you really want: snuggle your baby.
Avoiding West Nile Virus and Other Mosquito Borne Illnesses
Warm summer nights can be very inviting, coaxing folks to linger on the porch or in the yard when the temperature finally starts dropping. Unfortunately, it is also the time that disease carrying mosquitos come out to feed.
Avoid the Pitfalls of Restrictive Dieting
Dieting is a never-ending cycle for most of us. We overeat or binge, which can bring weight gain. Then we have this desire to be thin and decide to go on a diet.
Here's How Your Family Can Avoid Sharing a Cold or the Flu
Understanding common types of sickness and how long you’re contagious will help you decide if you should stay home another day or get back to life as scheduled.
Avoid Kidney Stones: Eat and Drink Right
Passing a kidney stone is one of the most painful experiences possible. Unfortunately, once you’ve had a kidney stone, your risk of having a second one is 30 percent within 5 years and 50 percent within 10 years
Avoid Falling for Grocery Store Food Traps
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Aspartame: Is it Safe as a Sugar Substitute?
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When an emergency hits, it’s crucial to be prepared with adequate amounts of water, food, and basic necessities. A 72-hour kit, also called a disaster supply kit, is a small collection of things that you would need in an emergency.
"Tin Man" Finally Gets His Heart
Doctors keep West Jordan father alive using a total artificial heart until a donor heart became available.
Ask Nurse Dani: When Should I Feel My Baby Move?
The first time you feel your baby move will be unforgettable, especially for first-time moms. But when will it happen, and what should you expect?
Are You at Risk for Breast Cancer?
Are you at risk for breast cancer? Take our breast cancer risk quiz today.
Are you Missing Something? That's Probably not a Bad Thing
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Alternative Communication Ideas for Individuals With Autism
Many individuals on the autism spectrum do not even have the use of basic gestures to help them get their needs across
Seasonal Allergies During Pregnancy
As springtime approaches, so does allergy season. Many pregnant women are faced with this common problem, yet are uncertain about what they can do to minimize their symptoms while keeping their unborn baby safe.
Age-Appropriate Chores For Kids
You could use some help around the house. Between work, and keeping track of your kids, you just aren’t making it through all of your household chores. You think your child is old enough to help out with chores, but you aren’t sure
How to Help a Spouse Suffering From Postpartum Depression
When it comes to postpartum depression, a spouse can do a lot to support their partner. It may not be easy, and it may not be pleasant, but a spouse can help their partner overcome - or at least live with postpartum depression and anxiety.
After a Year Battling Cancer, Teacher Shares Her Journey of Healing
After a year receiving cancer treatment at Logan Regional, teacher Ashlena Johnson says she wouldn't go anywhere else: "The entire experience was phenomenal.”
After His Heart Stopped, Patient Grateful He Received CPR
Keith Hambly isn't sure how long his heart was stopped, but he knows that without CPR he might not be alive. Today, he promotes CPR awareness in the hopes that it will save others.
Advanced Trauma Care at Intermountain Proves Lifesaving for John Ames
Recently expanded trauma services at Intermountain’s Dixie Regional meant lifesaving treatment was close to home for St. George realtor John Ames when he broke his pelvis after falling 38 feet into a ravine last year.
Advancing Cancer Treatment: Intermountain Leads the Way with Targeted, Personalized Therapies
The future of cancer treatment looks promising at Intermountain Healthcare. That’s because Intermountain’s physicians and researchers are using precision genomics to provide a personalized approach to testing, diagnosing and treating cancer.
A Team-Based Approach to Mental Health Integration in Primary Care
Long before patient-centered medical homes or accountable care organizations were buzzwords, Salt Lake City–based Intermountain Healthcare was looking at all of the points of care that could improve the health of patients in its system. It did not take long to identify mental health as a problem.
From Singapore to
Primary Children’s Hospital – A Teens Battle with Childhood Cancer
Addie Napierski felt a little foggy as she looked up at the hospital lights. “Oh yeah,” she thought, abruptly aware of where she was. Her mom, April, sat nearby, looking anxious and waiting for Addie to wake up enough to hear the news
A Tale of Two Meals
One survey indicates that up to one-third of Americans feel they have a food “allergy,” but carefully done studies indicate that true food allergies occur in about 6-8% of children and 3-4% of adults. What, then, accounts for the difference?
A Stroke Can Strike Anyone at Any Age. Here's the Warning Signs and 4 Ways to Reduce Your Risk
Stroke is the third-leading cause of death in the United States, and perhaps more importantly, it is the leading cause of long-term disability.
A Pinch of Salt or Less
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “about 90% of Americans eat more sodium than is recommended for a healthy diet. Too much sodium increases a person’s risk for high blood pressure. High blood pressure often leads to heart disease and stroke.”
A physician's weight loss journey
My challenge to all of us is to focus more on adopting an attitude and lifestyle of health. Eat less, eat better, stop smoking, and exercise more.
A Non-Candy Coated Look at Added Sugar
The fact is simple and sweet: too much sugar is not good for you. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you cut down on sugar for good.
A Man's Guide to Preventive Maintenance
Men are great at assuring their car gets the required maintenance to keep it running smoothly. But they aren't great about taking charge of their own health to keep the engine running. Here are five ways men can maintain their health with good preventive care.
A Lucky Fall - Duane L. Monette
The diagnosis was “carcinoma of unknown primary origin.” At his home in Utah, Monette visited Dr. Brian Tudor of Intermountain Healthcare’s Southwest Cancer Clinic in St. George.
A Little About PPD – Postpartum Depression
If you’ve just had a baby, you may be struggling with a heightened mindset of sadness. While feeling a little down for a few weeks after giving birth is normal, here are some questions you might have if you’re concerned that it may be more than just the “baby blues.”
A Healthy Heart Starts With An Active Lifestyle
Every year about 700,000 Americans have a heart attack, according to the Centers for Disease Control. A heart attack can happen to anyone at anytime. However, many people think it’ll never happen to them. The data suggests otherwise.
A Healthy Dose of Fear is Normal
Fear — there’s an entire holiday, film industry, and book genre dedicated to it. It’s something all have experienced, and some even seek it out. But what is fear and how does it affect our bodies?
80% of Americans Don't Get Enough Exercise. Do you?
It’s January and everybody is going to the gym. I applaud and encourage everyone who is making a commitment to be more active as their New Year’s resolution, but before you take on a P90X or Insanity workout, let’s talk a little about what you need to know so you can be healthy and successful.
25 Years of Progress in the Detection and Treatment of Breast Cancer
25 years of progress in the detection and treatment of breast cancer
10 Skin Cancer Facts
What’s the best thing you can do to decrease your risk of skin cancer, especially in the summer? The number one thing is to protect your skin.
9 Tips to Prevent Skin Cancer
9 Tips to Prevent Skin Cancer
9 Things Happy Parents Do To Raise Happy Children
Children have a way of pushing their parents to the limit of their patience – and beyond, which leaves both parent and child frustrated. The good news is, when it comes to children, a little preparation can help.
8 FAQS about the Breast Cancer Gene
Working with breast cancer patients is both challenging and incredibly rewarding. While watching my patients suffer can be tough, I am often inspired by their strength, resolve and selflessness.
7 Unconventional Ways to Squeeze in More Exercise
Workouts can be tough. But exercise doesn’t have to be. For a healthier lifestyle, being active is the key, and it doesn’t much matter what that physical activity is. So if running a half marathon seems overwhelming to you, try one of these unconventional ways to squeeze more exercise into your week.
6 Tips to Help Children Handle Failure
Much like adults kids have pressures in life that come from a variety of sources. Pressures can come from within the child, parents, teachers, peers and the larger society in which the child lives. Here are a few ways to help children find successful ways to handle life's pressures.
5 Ways Moms Can Overcome Feeling Overwhelmed
The stress of motherhood can leave anyone feeling overwhelmed. But taking time to care for yourself will allow you to better care for your family.
5 Things I Wish I Knew as a First Time Mom
5 Things I Wish I Knew as a First Time Mom
5 Things You Can do to Minimize Fall Allergy Symptoms
5 Things You Can do to Minimize Fall Allergy Symptoms
5 Things to Know About Diabetes
Diabetes, often referred to by doctors as diabetes mellitus, describes a group of metabolic diseases in which the person has high blood glucose (blood sugar), either because insulin production is inadequate, or because the body's cells do not respond properly to insulin, or both.
New moms share newborn stresses
Amazing, magical, and beautiful often describe the excitement of childbirth, but with a new baby comes new stressors.
5 Steps to Reducing Door-to-Needle Times for Stroke Patients
Intermountain Medical Center’s door-to-needle time dropped to 33 minutes. Here's how they did it.
5 Snacks to Help Battle High Cholesterol
Here are some healthy snack ideas to get you maintain your blood sugar, metabolism, and even cholesterol levels throughout the day.
5 Lifestyle Changes You Can Make to Help Reverse Prediabetes
5 Lifestyle Changes You Can Make to Help Reverse Prediabetes
5 Heart Numbers Everyone Should Know
5 Heart Numbers Everyone Should Know
4 Things You Didnt Know About Your Joint Health
While we know in general that losing excess weight can help your overall health, have you ever thought about what that weight does to your joints?
6 Tips to Maintain Your Mental Health After Baby
Maintaining Your Mental Health After Baby
Thanks to early detection and mammography, more women surviving breast cancer. One young mother tells how early detection saved her life and the life of her child.
Analey Miltenberger was 18 weeks pregnant with her first child when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.
Skin Cancer Basics
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. More than 2 million people were diagnosed with skin cancer in 2010. This number is larger than all other cancers combined, and the incidence is increasing rapidly.
Pregnancy Brain Is Not A Myth
Pregnancy can be overwhelming, and it doesn’t help that you don’t know what’s going on with your body. It is hard to know what’s normal and what’s not. Don't worry. You're not alone.